Wednesday, June 28, 2017

South Sudan deports three American journalists

The  South Sudan government has deported Three American journalists intercepted at the Nadapal border in Namurunyang State, alleging that the journalists have visa issues.  Foreign Affairs ministry spokesman, Mr. Makol Mawien said the deportation happened last Friday, but did not give their names or the organisations they work for.Mawien further explained that the foreign journalists crossed the border through Lokichoggio in Kenya, without acquiring a visa at the South Sudan embassy in Nairobi.
In his words,
“Yes, they were three American journalists who crossed into the country through Nadapal from Kenya without fulfilling the normal visa requirements in Nairobi. So, they were intercepted and sent back to apply for a visa".
The ministry spokesman said the three would be allowed entry if they acquired the visas.

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